Coalgate Seniors 2024


Your password is chs1234. Your Student ID goes in place of the numbers.

Parents, if you need your senior’s Student ID, you can get it from your senior, as they received a physical proof containing this number. 

NOTE: These are only proofs. They have not been color corrected, edited, retouched, etc. in any way. Facial retouching will be done at no additional charge on any image purchased. Note: There is an additional fee to retouch braces or facial hair such as bears or stubble. 

Eyeglasses: There may be glare on those wearing glasses. Please know this will be corrected on the image you choose before printing. 

Make-up/Retake day has not been announced yet. Make-up/Retakes are available for a $30 sitting fee. Clothing will be provided. If you need a retake, please arrive prepared with hair/makeup styled and ready. There is no need to schedule an appointment. There is not a makeup day for this makeup day! IF YOU DO RETAKES, YOUR IMAGES FROM THE FIRST DAY WILL BE DELETED! You will not be able to go back and choose from those. 

Deadline for ordering: November 10, 2023 If a pose is not chosen for the yearbook prior to this date, your pose will be chosen for you and other poses deleted. Any future orders placed will be printed from the pose that was retouched for the yearbook. 

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